Fun Info*
Cleaner Brands Used For
Acidic FSR, On & OFF Rust and waterline stains
Acidic White Vinegar Removes leakage crud from alkaline batteries
Alkaline Clorox, Castrol Super Clean, Baking soda Grime, oil
Neutral Simple Green, Murphy Oil Soap  
Abrasive Bar Keepers Friend, T.L.Seamarine Cleaner  

Bronze - Dissolve 1 tsp salt in 1 cup white vinegar. Add enough flour to make a paste. Apply paste to bronze and let sit for 15 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse with clean, warm water and polish dry.

Lines - To clean dirty, crusty lines:

  1. Sew any eyesplices in double braid to prevent the cover from unburying itself. 

  2. Make a chain sinnet with the line to prevent tangling.

  3. Put the line into a closable mesh bag.

  4. Put the bag into a washing machine and wash with cold water, detergent, and on a gentle cycle.

  5. It make take two or three washings to get the line clean.

  6. When clean, hang up the line to dry.

Rust Stains - Get oxalic acid (or wood bleach), dab it onto the rust, wait a minute, and then rinse off. Repeat as needed.


Ear infections - Prevent external ear infections by instilling one or two drops of an (isopropyl) alcohol/vinegar solution into each ear after snorkeling or diving. Mix equal parts of alcohol and white vinegar.


Fruits and vegetables - Stow apples and potatoes together to prevent potatoes from sprouting.

Fruits and vegetables - Wrap vegetables and fruits individually in newspaper to prolong freshness.


* These ideas are not mine and have been gleaned from many sources.